Recept med lingon
Recept med lingon

Lingonberries contain high amounts of natural pectin. Råröda lingon can be prepared with frozen berries that have been thawed. Start out with a conservative amount and keep adding to your own taste. The more sugar added, the higher the preserving qualities. A classic ratio of sugar to berries is 1kg (2.2lbs) to 600g sugar (3 cups) sugar, but you can use as little as 300g (1 1/2 cups). Place in clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator for up to three months. To make råröda lingon (ROHR-rud-uh LING-ohn) combine fresh lingonberries with sugar, stir them until the sugar dissolves, and let sit at room temperature for one hour. This is the no-cook version of preserves. Råröda lingon (raw stirred lingonberries)

recept med lingon

Simply fill a clean glass jar with rinsed, fresh lingonerries, pour boiling water to cover them, and close up the jar. The simplest preparation is vattenlingon (VAH-tehn-LING-ohn). I purchased 2 kg (4.4 lbs.) of lingonberries for 80sek (about $2.25/lb) and within 30 minutes of rinsing and picking over of the berries completed the following three simple, classic preparations. As an accompaniment to food, they pair well with game, poultry, and pork. Lingonberries can be used raw or cooked in a variety of ways including preserves, stirred into sauces, breads, drinks and smoothies, baked goods, and desserts. Fresh berries can be refrigerated for 8-12 weeks or frozen for multiple years. They have been identified as a superfood with antioxidant and antibiotic properties. High levels of benzoic acid provide a long shelf-life for the berries which made them an important food source historically. Related to cranberries, blueberries, and billberries, lingonberries are ripe in Sweden from August – September and can often be found growing alongside wild blueberries. Lingonberries are grown commercially in Sweden, but can be found growing wild throughout the country from berry forests in the south up to areas of the arctic regions. Known by many names (cowberries, red whortle berries, foxberries, northern mountain cranberries, dry ground cranberries, rock cranberries, partridge berries, wolf berries, or whimberries), the low-growing, semi-evergreen plants are native to Scandinavia. In fact, there are three easy ways to prepare fresh lingonberries, and it takes less than 30 minutes to complete all three of them at once.

recept med lingon

If you can find fresh or frozen lingonberries, making your own preserves couldn’t be easier. They may be most well-known as an accompaniment to Swedish meatballs, and lingonberry preserves (lingonsylt) can be purchased at any IKEA, or some specialty markets. Lingonberries, as they are most commonly known in English, are native to Scandinavia and have a long-standing history in Scandinavian cuisine. A sure sign of the change in seasons is the appearance of lingon (LING-ohn) at local markets, and even supermarkets. The nights are cool, and the days struggle to reach 70☏ (21☌).

Recept med lingon